The Association of One World Regional Networks in Germany (agl)
agl is an association of the 16 One World regional networks – one in each of Germany’s federal states. Via our educational programs, advice services, and network building, we support our members in their work towards global justice and sustainable living.
We reinforce the structures that underpin One world work and team up with the regional networks, development associations, and local initiatives to assist civil society efforts. We are also involved in the political sphere and public debates, to provide a strong civil-society voice.
Our Members – The One World Regional Networks
Development groups, initiatives and NGOs are active locally, advocating for global justice and promoting awareness of global interrelationships. In each of Germany’s 16 federal states, they have come together to form the One World Regional Networks.

They supply information to local politicians and the public, formulate positions on development policy, and provide inspiration for political decision-making at the regional level. They make a vital contribution to bringing about future-oriented, socially just, and ecologically sustainable development.
Our Focus
We focus on various issues of development policy, specifically within educational work and raising awareness within Germany. The following forums have been set up to focus on these issues:
Within the forums, experts exchange experiences and good practice, engage in debate, and collaborate to develop the ideas and build the momentum that can deliver development policy goals.
The One World Promotors Programme
Global sustainability begins at home – on your own doorstep, and in your own neighbourhood, area, or community. To further advance such efforts, agl has launch the One World Promotors Programme. The programme is funded by the federal government and Germany’s individual federal states and operated by civil society organisations.
Around 150 full-time promotors support One World commitment within civil society via advisory and coordination services, actions, and campaigns. Do you want to find out more about what promotors do in their local areas? Are you looking for collaboration partners in your local area or do you want to learn more about the structure of the programme? Check out the programme’s innovative website:
Contact us!
Find the right contact person at agl’s agency office.